Collection of Personal Information

When you opt-in to receive SMS messages from Martin Associates of Ephrata, LLC (dba: Martin’s Ice), we collect your name and phone number. We use this information solely to send you updates, offers, and other communications via text message.

Use of Personal Information

We will not share your personal data with any third parties. We use the information you provide only to communicate with you through our SMS program.

Opt-Out Rights

You can opt-out of our SMS program at any time by calling 717-733-7968 and requesting to have your number removed. We will promptly honor all opt-out requests and cease sending you further messages.

Data Security

We take reasonable measures to protect the security of your personal information, but cannot guarantee its absolute protection. Your information is stored securely, but may be subject to the risks inherent in electronic data storage and transmission.

Compliance with Laws

Martin Associates of Ephrata, LLC complies with all applicable SMS marketing laws and regulations and any applicable federal, state or local laws.

If you have any questions or concerns about our SMS privacy practices, please contact us at 717-733-7968.